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THU DEC 31, 9:00 PM - FRI JAN 1, 9:00 AM


Come join us for our annual New Years Eve Lockin for games, food and fun! For the low, low entry fee of $4, you can enter into a world of caffeinated, safe, fun. Feel free to bring games, movies and friends. Please, no rated M games or rated R movies. You can also bring your computer for our LAN room where you can join your friends for League of Legends, DOTA, Heroes of the Storm, and other online games.


At 11pm, we’ll have an hour long program that ends with a countdown to the NEW YEAR! Invite all of your friends and welcome the new year with us together.


SAT DEC 19, 10:00 AM - 9:30 PM


Spreading Christmas cheer, Happens once a year
Where we visit elderly homes, With props and musical notes
This year with something new, And we need ALL of YOU
With children we'll share, And show that we care
Teach them about Christmas, Crafts, games and baby Jesus
Come practice, come sing, Let the jingle bells ring
We hope to see you soon, And invite your friends too!


If you are age 15 and up, your parents must sign a medical form located here.



10:00 AM - Rehearse for caroling at DCFC. Lunch will be provided.

2:00 PM - Carols at nursing homes.

5:00 PM - Outreach at Ethiopian Evangelical Baptist Church ( Dinner will be provided.

9:30 PM - Return to DCFC


FRI DEC 18, 7:30 PM


Celebrate the end of finals and the end of the semester and CHRISTMAS!!!

Invite your friends and bring a wrapped white elephant gift under $4.
You don't even have to go out of your house to buy something. Just grab something around the house that you own that you don't want anymore, wrap it up and bring it.


SAT OCT 31, 10:15 AM

OCTOBERFEST - Service Project

Come back after Octoberfest and join us for our service project. We’ll meet at DCFC and finish preparations for the VBS we will be hosting in downtown Dallas where we’ll also be giving away school supplies and other treats. Parents are welcome to join their kids. We'll break for pizza for lunch and be back to DCFC at 5pm. Invite all of your friends! (NHS hours will be accredited.)


FRI OCT 30, 7:00 PM


Come enjoy Octoberfest Game Night upstairs at DCFC. Invite your friends, play games, and win prizes including Chick-Fil-A gift cards. No need to trick or treat because we’ll have all the candy you want here. Don’t forget to bring any questions you may have about Jesus and life, and we’ll answer them November 7!




It's that time of year again. Join us for campfire fun at our annual Dallas Chinese Christian Youth Camp and grow deeper in our faith and worship God together. Students who by this coming Fall 2015 will be in 7th grade through 13th grade (aka graduating) are invited to join us. 


We will gather at CCCFC (4500 McDermott, Plano Tx 75024) with all the other churches on Wednesday, June 17th at 10AM to ride the buses to Lakeview Baptist. Don't forget to bring a sack lunch for the bus ride!


We will be back to CCCFC on Sunday, June 21st around 5PM.


Registration Information:

Registration fee is $315 by May 31 and $340 thereafter. Forms can be downloaded from and are also available at the registration table outside Pastor Gilbert's office. Our medical form can be downloaded here.


SUN MAY 17, 12:00 PM


Every year our youth group goes on a missions trip. This year we will be returning to Acuña, Mexico with YUGO Ministries, which has now been renamed Evident Ministries. Join us for an informational meeting for this summer's trip upstairs in rooms 22 and 24. Following the meeting will be a support raising workshop.




How many times have you resolved to read the Bible but failed, finding it either too difficult or loosing focus when life just happens? Then even when we do read the Bible we tend to do it alone in isolation and so making our experience individualized. Starting onFebruary 2nd, you have the opportunity to do things differently.  As an English congregation (youth and adults) we will read the entire New Testament together in 8 weeks in a new and fresh way. We will also gather in our groups (like family groups and discipleship/mentor groups), either a Community Group, or a Reading Group to talk about what we read.


A Different kind of Bible:

We’ll use a different kind of Bible (with individual books placed more historically), formatted differently without verse references and chapter headings. This Bible is called “The Books of the Bible.” The goal is to read big and to get the story of redemption.


To purchase a copy of "The Books of the Bible" please stop by our book tables near the Centrum between 10:30 and 11:00 am on Sundays.


FRI FEB 27, 05:30 PM - SAT FEB 28, 05:45 PM


Your story is an important part of God's Story...and it's just getting started!



$49 by Sunday, February 22

$59 thereafter

Checks are payable to DCFC

**If money's ever a problem, please let us know!


Please be sure to turn in a DCFC medical form located here.


Schedule of Events:


Friday, February 27

5:30 PM - Meet at DCFC to go to Irving Bible Church; bring a to-go dinner

7:30 PM - 10:15 PM - Conference sessions I & II

11:00 PM - 12:00 AM - Snacks and small group Bible studies (Location TBD)

12:30 AM - Bedtime


Saturday, February 28

7:45 AM - Wake up and have breakfast and devotions

9:00 AM - 12:30 PM - Conference sessions III & IV

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM - Lunch (bring money for food)

2:00PM - 4:30 PM - Conference session V

5:45 PM - Return to DCFC


Things to bring:

- sack dinner for Friday evening

- sleeping bag

- towel

- set of clothes for Saturday

- toiletries

- Bible

- pen

- money for Saturday lunch and souvenirs

- medicine (if needed)



WED DEC 31, 08:30 PM


Let's gather and welcome the new year together with fun and games! Invite your friends and let's have a blast. We'll be chilling at DCFC from 8:30 to 8:30. Don't forget $4 to get in.


SUN DEC 21, 12:00 PM


Join us for the annual PAC Christmas party where we'll have games, caroling and gifts. Please bring a white elephant gift for our gift exchange (something around the house or less than $4). 


Want a chance to win a VISA Gift card? Wear an ugly Christmas sweater and participate in our ugly Christmas sweater contest! 


Don't forget to invite ALL of your friends. 


Schedule of Events:

12:00pm - Lunch at DCFC

1:00pm - Rehearse our carols

2:00pm - Caroling around town

6:00pm - Dinner at the Huang's! (5711 DeLoache Ave. Dallas, TX, 75225)

9:45pm - Arrive back at DCFC


Be there or be square...


SAT NOV 22, 06:00 PM


Come join us as we gather together as an entire English congregation to reflect, give thanks, say hi to old friends and make new ones.


FRI OCT 31, 07:00 PM


Come enjoy Octoberfest Game Night upstairs at DCFC. Invite your friends, play games, and win prizes! No need to trick or treat because we'll have all the candy you want here. Don't forget to bring any questions you may have about Jesus and life.


SAT NOV 1, 08:15 AM

OCTOBERFEST - Service Project

Come back after Octoberfest and join us for our service project. We'll meet at DCFC and make sandwiches and lunch bags for people looking for a day job at the Day Labor Center. We'll also bless them and pray with them. We'll be back by 1:00 PM for pizza and ramen! (NHS hours will be accredited.) 


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